

Hello! My name is Avery and I am a college student studying for a major in computer science and a minor in geophysics. I grew up in Colorado and I reside there today. I enjoy hiking, bouldering, and caving. I also like computers (who would have guessed?).

I am a wannabe explorer. Unfortunately, most of the world (minus the ocean) has already been explored. I have resorted to exploring the internet, as I am interested in what people have made (although space is quite interesting as well).

Most of my projects shown here are personal projects, although a few projects I have done for school will also probably be pushed onto my GitHub and mentioned here.


Coding/Computer Projects

These are some of my coding or other related projects. Click on any of the images to be directed to the corresponding project/GitHub page.

Current WIP projects: PyTorch deep learning project (I would love to do something like this with OpenAI's library, but I do not have a subscription). 2D Platformer game.

Labyrinth personal organizer


A full stack project using Python Django, SQLite, and HTML/CSS/JS to create a personal organizer. Definitely my largest project to date (September 2023). I am happy with the skills I learned while working on this project (especially learning how to work with SQL), but I think if I put more time into it it could be better. However, I also want to move away from web development and start working on other things, particularly projects with AI.

School Projects

This is a repository of the projects I have done for college/for school. Most are written in C++.

Past here are some projects I have done before college. Most of them are, admittedly, not very good, but I think it's nice to see how I have improved and what I still need to work on.

Enumeration Script

One of my smaller projects as a way of fiddling around with bash scripting.

Recipe Generator

Recipe Generator

My first coding project I have done. A simple "recipe" generator written in Python. Made back in 2022.

3D Modeling Work

Some 3D models or other art I have made. The 3D models are made in Blender. Click on any of the images to enlarge them.

Current WIP project: game models.

Generally, these images are better to look at on a desktop or larger screen.

Infinite Hallway model Landscape rendering Room rendering

Miscellaneous Projects

Just other projects I am working on that either are not that noteworthy or unrelated to the previous two categories.

Current WIP project: Scrap computer. I salvaged some PC parts from a company moving locations, so I am focusing on building a computer using only those materials or other things I can salvage from electronics.

Contact Me

A photo of Avery (me)
If you see me in public, this is what I look like. Feel free to strike up a conversation!
contact gmail github linkedin instagram